WordCamp WordCamp Denmark

Frederick Townes kommer til WordCamp

Vi har alle gået og glædet os til at få Justin Tadlock til København. Desværre måtte Justin melde afbud i sidste sekund. Til alt held fandt Thomas fra Nykredit et rigtig cool taler i Frederick Townes.

Det var med stor beklagelse at denne mail tikkede ind her en lille uge før WordCamp Denmark:

I’ve got some bad news. I won’t be able to make the WordCamp trip this coming weekend.

Unfortunately, my passport seems to have been lost or stolen. I’ve thoroughly searched my house and my parents’ house over the weekend to no avail. Traveling abroad isn’t always necessarily a problem without a passport, but getting back into the U.S. is near impossible without it. I’ve talked with a representative about getting a replacement, but it would take too long to get a new one in time.

I could continue searching for another few days in hopes of finding it, but that wouldn’t be fair to the people that’ve put this WordCamp together. I wanted to let you know of this so a replacement speaker could be found or the schedule adjusted in time.

I am deeply sorry I’m having to cancel. You probably won’t find another person more disappointed than me, especially after having packed my bags only to find I had missing documents. I am willing to assist in any way possible to make the WordCamp great from here. I’m even willing to do a video presentation online if need be.

If there’s anything I need to do from my end, please let me know.

Justin Tadlock

Heldigvis var Thomas ikke sådan at slå ud, så i løbet af ingen tid og med stor hjælp fra Yoast fik han skaffet Frederick Townes til byen. Frederick er CTO hos Mashable.com – en af verdens ledende blogs. Han har også stiftet W3 EDGE, et design- og udviklingsfirma, W3 MARKUP en programmerings-outsourcing tjeneste og talrige andre projekter. Et af disse er WordPress plugin’et W3 Total Cache. Du kan også høre ham, hver tirsdag på WebMasterRadio.fm every, hvor han er medvært på WordPress Community Podcast med Joost de Valk.

Han kommer til at tale om: Understand the techniques that prevent your users from spending more time on your site or from getting a small boost in sales or rankings. Learn how performance is a building block for success with practical examples.

Det skal nok blive godt. Så efter lidt problemer lykkes det (om alt går vel, og det skal det) at få en rigtig cool taler til WordCamp Denmark 2010.

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Code is Poetry.

WordCamp Denmark is over. Check out the next edition!